Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Accessorizing Yourself With Diamond Prom Jewellery To Look Outstanding In The Prom Night

Prom night is something that all youngsters enjoy together and are desperately waiting for as they have a chance to pull out an extra-ordinary dress from their best collection and put on dazzling jewellery in order to appear splendid. Here girls think that they have to give a tough competition to look best from the other girls attending the prom. So they start hunting for their dress and jewellery from few weeks in advance. 

Girls think that the most difficult task is selecting an appropriate dress for the prom. However this comes second in the list of most difficult tasks. The first comes is selecting complementing jewellery that will out stand your dress selection. If the jewellery selection is wrong even the best chosen dress will appear underwhelming. So in order to look the best one must not only focus on an individual aspect instead be a compiled package. Firstly remember that the jewellery you select must be a long term investment unlike in dress as the prom dress will be worn just once whereas the prom jewellery should be such that can be worn over and over again combining it with other dresses as well on various occasions. Thus before investing in jewellery, invest some time in deciding the options for purchase.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Choosing jewellery with your wedding apparel: Tips to know

Wedding is one of the most auspicious occasions for people of all religions and beliefs across the globe. The happiness that is reflected in the shining faces of the bride and bridegroom is cherished not only by parents, but the relatives and friends, as well while showering their love and blessings on the new couple. When it comes to wedding dress, mention must be made of jewellery that is worn by the couple. In fact, the most important part of shopping for marriage is to find an exact match of earrings, necklace, bands and rings that works with the dresses that are worn for different occasions of wedding. A wedding in India remains incomplete without wearing heavy gold jewellery although the trends are changing in present day marriages due to the availability of exotic silver jewellery designs. 

Friday, 9 August 2013

What type of wedding jewellery should you wear?

A bride is incomplete without the right price of jewellery at the right place. Most experts recommend wearing simple jewellery for wedding, but the fact doesn’t hold true every time. Different cultures adapt different styles for wedding jewellery.

While choosing earrings, dress and hairstyle should be kept in mind. Dangly earrings look beautiful but can create a mess if they get tangled up in hair. Most famous choices for wedding include diamonds and crystal solitaire earrings.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Here are some Crazy Facts about Engagement Rings

Many know from where and how to purchase a ring for engagement but very few know about the history from where did the trend of wearing an engagement ring begun? Here are some funny facts about engagement rings that will help you know about its customs, origination, popular shapes and styles. 

Monday, 29 July 2013

Symbolism of Wedding Rings

Since years exchanging ring symbolises strong bonding of marriage. However in some cultures this practice has become obscured and some still carry forward this act. The circular ring indicates the eternal love and vows that a couple swears in at their marriage. Circle has been a prototype of being sempiternal and complete. The circle also represents speaking to the continuous rounds of the heaven as well as the return of the ever-lasting seasons, marked by periodic ritual and fest.