Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A Certified Diamond Ring Can Be The Perfect Gift For Your Wife

Diamonds are so beautiful, that women get fascinated with it. It is a dream for every woman, owning the precious stone one day. If men gift them with a diamond ring, then no doubt they get surprised. The precious stone shows the symbol of prestige, class and richness. For some, it’s a symbol to show the true eternal love towards their husband. Some of them choose certified diamond rings as a part of tradition. These would be the main reason why women dream, to own the sparkling stone for a special occasion like marriage, engagement, anniversaries and birthdays.

If you have decided to purchase a diamond, then understand the basics of 4C’s before choosing one. Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat are four important things, you must check before you purchase one. Even though, diamonds look colorless, they contain fine particles of yellow and brown. The cut of the stone should be perfect, then only it would reflect the light and would sparkle. Diamond rings having 58 sides perfect cuts, would be the best one. Some popular diamond cuts are princess, emerald and round brilliant. If the stone has good clarity, then it will show off on your fingers. The carat, measures the purity of the stone. 1 carat diamond rings has only a single diamond stone, which is very expensive. If you have decided to purchase an expensive wedding ring, then keep the certificate safe.

The price of the ring depends upon 4C’s, so you must always choose one that fits in your budget. 

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